Youth Recreation Program Leader Training

A course for youth and adults who coach and lead kids.

Learn how to reach and teach children and youth as a community recreation and sport program leader.

We’ve all been there. We had the best, or worst, coach or program leader who really made an impact on our lives.

But how did they do it? How should they not have done it?

How is it that excellent coaches are made?

When youth leaders can have such a significant impact on the lives of young people, it matters to act in ways that are inclusive, youth-centric, and can reach the inspired learning we are seeking as a community recreation group

You Know Your Sport

Teaching it is another story.


Coach Ché is deeply committed to inclusive sport and recreation environments.

Life is an athletic event – all humans deserve access to diverse teaching methods that inspire connection and calibration to their definition of potential in the interests they chose.

Her professional development course, Youth Recreation Program Leader Training, is designed to help people who coach or lead children and youth in recreation or sport programs to become the coach that can reach, teach, and connect with young people in the ways that they need.

The course curriculum is rooted in the concepts of unconscious bias, youth engagement principles, and the long-term leadership and, when involving sport, athletic, development model.

Any facilitator working with young people can benefit from the training, no matter which recreation activity – sports, camp, art programs, summer student leaders, and more!

Working with local clubs and non-profits, Coach Ché is training recreation leaders in sailing, tennis, swimming, and youth empowerment programs. She is currently offering custom-schedules for organizations looking to make a move to develop their summer staff in 2024. Please complete the form to receive a follow up to arrange your training pathway.

Who is this for?

In this course, recreation program leaders such as summer program student facilitators, camp counselors, sport coaches, day program leaders, or even baby-sitters can gain access to the necessary skills to lead and teach young people

What does it offer?

The five modules are built so that the youth leaders can learn how to deliver learning about a sport or activity they already have skill performing.

We don’t teach the sport - we teach how to teach the sport.


Offered in either 7 individual 90-minute sessions, or over two-training days, with a complete workbook facilitated by Coach Ché Breckon

Special Feature

It’s a Train-the-Trainer model. WE help instructors reach the learner and coach them as an individual so they can share in their talents so more kids can have the opportunity to participate.

Our course also offers the contemporary approach your organization is committed to offering -an inclusive and safe environment for young people to thrive in.

  • Humans are Humans

    Understanding natural human bias and how it shapes how we see others and their potential in programs.

  • I am Human

    Understanding what we need to do as biased people to monitor for those expectations we have that are not valid, or interpreting behaviors that we observe in a program with clarity over assumption.

  • Youth are Youth

    Understanding the core principles of youth engagement to help leaders value and promote individualiy and performance from the inner motivation rather than through positive and negative reinforcement alone

  • Youth are Humans

    Understanding what to consider in youth development phases and how each learner, no matter their age, is at a different stage and place in their lives.

  • Coaches are Coaches

    Understanding how to apply the first four modules into lesson planning and communications with learners, parents and fellow coaches.

  • Book your High-Performance Swim Development Lessons with Coaché today!

    Coaché has a long history in developing high performance athletes. She’s done this with triathletes, pool swimmers, and open-water swimmers.

Upcoming Events

We are currently booking custom training programs
for organizations in Renfrew County

Book your organization’ training days today!
We group and non-profit rates for in-person learning local to Renfrew County

Get in touch.